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The National Convening on Children’s Racial Learning will take place over three days, from the afternoon on Tuesday, May 6, to midday on Thursday, May 8, 2025. We hope you will join us for the entire Convening - or for as long as you can.

Tuesday, May 6, 2025

Registration opens




Welcome Dinner


Keynote Speaker: Hari Kondabolu

Wednesday, May 7, 2025


Opening Plenary

Why the Time is Right for Field-Building for Children's Racial Learning

Panel: The State of Research and Practice

Speakers from several professional sectors share their views on why healthy learning about race and racism matters for US children; what is known (and not yet known) about how to promote healthy racial learning; and, broadly, what the actual practice of racial socialization looks like today in the United States. What does research and experience tell us about when, how, and what children learn about race? To what degree has that knowledge shaped the way families, schools, and communities nurture children? Are there trends worth noting? Attendees will be invited to reflect and share their thoughts in response to the panel conversation.

Sector-specific conversations: Practice and Possibility in Our Work

Join your peers in children’s media, education, health, parenting, research, and others to reflect on the contributions and possibilities in a sector you identify with. How does the sector support healthy racial learning among children? Where do you see an opportunity for growth? What work, happening now, makes your eyes twinkle? What kinds of within-sector working partnerships are you part of? What kinds would you like to create?


Networking Lunch

Panel: Fueling the Emergence of a Field of Children's Racial Learning

Panelists from different sectors will share their ideas about the need for and possible goals of a cross-sectoral field of children’s racial learning, and on the efforts needed to bring the field fully to life. What potential building blocks are already in place? What would success look like and what milestones might we expect along the way? What kinds of strategies and initiatives do we need to achieve success? What do we do next? Attendees will be invited to reflect and share their thoughts in response to the panel conversation.

Cross-sector working sessions: Envisioning Effective Strategies

Join one of several concurrent sessions focused on key challenges in building a robust field of children’s racial learning: e.g., building strong relationships and robust community among us; identifying and lifting up key goals and programmatic priorities; creating and sustaining fresh working partnerships; protecting the safety and well-being of people and organizations engaged in this work; raising public awareness of children’s racial learning as a space in need of much more attention and resources; and supporting the expansion, dissemination, and practical use of "what we know" about children's racial learning and literacy.



Keynote Panel: Meeting the Moment with Solidarity, Persistence, and Joy

Panelists will consider what it means to forge ahead with the work of supporting children’s racial learning in a sociopolitical climate marked by polarized perspectives on social justice efforts and racist and xenophobic federal policies. In the face of opposition, how do we stand together to protect ourselves and each other, our work, and our livelihoods? How do we not only avoid ceding ground, but continue to make progress toward the future we envision? How do we find joy and build community as we resist and persist?


Connection Reception

Thursday, May 8, 2025


Plenary Training: Framing Children's Racial Learning

What message frames are most likely to get others on board with our goals to support children’s learning about race and racism? Partners from the FrameWorks Institute will share some best practices for effective communication about children’s racial learning and literacy.

Cross-sector working sessions: Making the Road

Participants are invited to join concurrent conversations focused on possible new initiatives that can propel the work of children’s racial learning to new heights. For example, what might the next, best iteration of the National Convening look like? How might we go about creating a powerful research-practice network that accelerates the development and widespread dissemination and use of tools to help adults nurture antiracist children? How can we communicate more effectively with the public about the huge stakes and inspiring possibilities of this work? What kind of resources and events would allow us to learn and work together more and better, within and across sectors? What compelling ideas can we generate together?




Farewell Lunch



Wayfarer Foundation Main Logo RAHF Logo Tag RGB 01 HSF logo horiz RGB 1 Obinstitute logo no berkeley WCGMF logo 2 Sc common sense 1x Sc embracerace Equity research action coalition logo horizontal Sc fred rogers 1x Sc greater good 1x Sc naeyc 1x Sc nmaahc 1x Sc pbs socal 1x Sc sdbp 1x Sc sparx 1x Sc srdc 1x Sc zero to three 1x

Event Steering Committee

Sc common sense 1x Sc embracerace Equity research action coalition logo horizontal Sc frameworks 1x Sc fred rogers 1x Sc greater good 1x Sc naeyc 1x Sc nmaahc 1x Sc pbs socal 1x Sc raising reader 1x Sc sdbp 1x Sc sparx 1x Sc srdc 1x Sc weare 1x Sc zero to three 1x

Parenting Practice

Dr. Andrew Grant-Thomas & Dr. Christina Rucinski
EmbraceRace (Chair)
Dr. Maryam Abdullah
Greater Good Science Center
Michelle Sioson Hyman, Michelle Torgerson
Raising a Reader


Dr. Irene Loe, Dr. Adiaha Spinks-Franklin
Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Rebecca Parlakian
Zero to Three


Dr. Alissa Mwenelupembe
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Ariel Moon, Rose Reyes
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock
we are (working to extend anti-racist education)

Social Science Research

Nico Connolly, Dr. Moira O’Neill
FrameWorks Institute
Dr. Sharron Hunter-Rainey, Dr. Iheoma Iruka
Equity Research Action Coalition
Dr. Diane Hughes, Dr. Melissa Lucas
Society for Research in Child Development
Dr. Deborah Rivas-Drake
Stepping uP Against Racism and Xenophobia Project

Children's Media

Phoebe Jiang
Jasmine Hood Miller
Common Sense Media
Mallory Mbalia, Paul Siefkin
Fred Rogers Productions